BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND Friendster Layouts »

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Final Magazine Cover

After intense research and look at exisiting magazine covers, we finally managed to put all our ideas together and create our final magazine cover, which we believe include all the essential magazine cover conventions. I drafted a rough sketch of what the magazine cover was to look like, so we had an idea of what the final product would look like. We looked at numerous Empire magazines and realised that most of them included a '+' which had an extra thing in the magazine that was to be looked out for. We decided to make this plus to be 101 pages of horror special, where the horror freaks can discover the history of horror and how it came about. We also used the convention of having the celebrity infront on the magazine title as it was a well estblished and known magazine. We decided to include the police tape with 'do not cross' behind the character as it related back to our film and the 'intruder alert' also relates back to the film as our film is called ' Intrude' and is based upon tresspassing on sealed off premises. On the right side of the magazine we added a list of famous directors and upcoming films included that were to be looked out for. Barcode, website and date have also be placed on the cover. The circle is used to attract the audiences attention as it lets them know that this edition in particular is a Horror Special. Due to have limiting Photoshop skills, I did some basic cutting around the images and placing images and writing on the magazine. However kept giving useful feedback and contributing many useful ideas.