BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND Friendster Layouts »

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Existing film poster analysis

We wanted to create a film poster as similar as possible to a real life poster that had been created. Therefore I undertook the task of researching existing film posters. I created a powerpoint with all the posters and then highlighted the main conventions on the horror posters. By doing this we became more aware of the things that were needed to be included on the poster. I realised that most posters were quite simple with a main backgroung image, the film title, and the cast list. Therefore we decided to work with the same conventions and keep the poster simple yet effective. Another member of the team and myself, created a sketch of the poster and where everything would be placed. This gave us an idea of where to place everything and made the construction on the poster easier. We went and took a tha picture we believed would suit the front cover. Another member of the team made the poster, whilst myself and my other team mate, gave constructive feedback and told the creator where to place certain things.